How to Choose Between Private and Public School

How to Choose Between Private and Public School -
How to Choose Between Private and Public School
Choosing the appropriate school for your child is one of the most important parenting decisions you make. Deciding between private and public schools can be difficult, but with a little introspection and research, you can make the best schooling choice for your child.

1. Consider your family's values and goals. Ideally, you want any school setting to reinforce the ideals you try to teach your children at home. Figure out what values are most important to you as a parent, and determine whether private or public school situation best fits the culture of your family.

2. Research each school's academic reputation and college prep. Look at findings all the way up through graduation rates and college acceptance statistics, even if your child is quite young. The foundation your child receives early on proves vital to future opportunities, so make sure the school system's early work plays out well as students graduate and move on.

3. Factor in safety. Unsafe schools are less likely to offer good academic and extracurricular programs, but even if an unsafe school were excellent, it probably isn't worth sending your child there. Make sure your child can feel comfortable and safe in the school setting by checking out the building, the teachers, the policies and the reputation for safety before making your final decision.

4. Count the cost. Remember that if you have enough disposable income, you can supplement your child's education through family trips and outings. If your family is constantly strapped for cash, an expensive private education might prove too stressful or might require one or both parents to be absent more than desirable. Figure out price factors and look into financial aid options as you make your decision.

5. Decide if and how you want your child to receive religious instruction. You can teach your child at home, use after-school and weekend programs or choose a private school that is religiously oriented. Determine what works best for your family and your child, and select a school that can best fit your desires.

6. Remember that no schooling situation is perfect. Teachers and school systems simply can't meet every need of any child. Set your priorities and stay active within your child's life and education, and chances are you can set your child up for success in either a private or a public school setting. ***

Title : How to Choose Between Private and Public School
Keywords : Tips, Parenting, School

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Via : eHow


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