Things Your Computer Person Won’t Tell You

Things Your Computer Person Won’t Tell You -
* Keep it clean. On a PC, run Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter at least once a month. This will store files more efficiently so your system doesn’t slow down. After about four years, your computer is elderly. If you’re shelling out for a blazing-fast Internet connection, pony up for a new model.

* Check the cables. “People are always shocked that a cable came loose,” says Geek Squad agent Derek Meister. Of course, everything that needs power is plugged into an outlet, right?

* Got neighbors? If you do, protect your home wireless network with a password. “If a person knows what he’s doing, getting into a computer on a non-encrypted network is easy,” says Schildkraut.

* You backed up your data, right? External hard drives with lots of memory now sell for under $200, and automated programs like Cobian Backup or Apple’s Time Machine make regular backups a no-brainer. Secure online backup services save your data offsite should anything happen to your home.

* If you travel with your laptop, get a lock. A 2007 survey by the Computer Security Institute found that 50 percent of respondents had a laptop or other mobile device sto-len in the past year. A simple cable lock (starting at about $20) lets you physically secure your laptop anywhere you go.

* Remember: If your company owns the computer, they own what’s on it, too—even your email in some cases. Act accordingly.

* Please remember: We didn’t create the problem; we’re just trying to help you fix it.

* Turn it off, turn it back on. “Nine times out of ten, rebooting your computer-and any equipment that connects to it-will solve the problem,” says Aaron Schildkraut, who owns a home tech-support service in the New York tristate area.

* Just because we're “buddies” at work, don’t expect me to come running every time you’ve got a problem. I’ve got a slew of IT problems to fix.

* We're like Santa: We know if you've been bad or good. Fessing up to what really happened right before the system crashed is going to save time-and I’m going to figure it out anyway.

* Use “strong” passwords. Geek Squad agent Derek Meister suggests combining letters and numbers-but not your birth date-to create a “base” password, and adding a unique suffix for each site you use. If your base password is your spouse’s initials and your anniversary date (say, SP061789), your Amazon password might be “SP061789AM.”

* Make sure you have current antivirus and anti-spyware protection, and set it to update at least once a day and run a full-system scan at least once a week.

* There's no free lunch. Downloading free music, movies, and games from file-sharing sites can open holes in your system for others to exploit. Play it safe and use established services like Rhapsody, iTunes, and Netflix.

* Remember: Public Wi-Fi is public. If you don’t have a compelling reason to check your e-mail or bank account while sipping a latte at the mall, don’t do it. While you’re on a public network, even one that’s encrypted, a nearby hacker can capture your passwords.

* Give it a rest. Turning off your computer when it’s not in use saves energy and clears out the RAM, or temporary memory, which would otherwise slow your machine over time.

* If you can't get online, call your Internet service provider first. Connection problems can often be checked and fixed-free.

* If you want to see less of me, get a Mac. That’s what we use. “Macs are actually a little bad for my business,” says Schildkraut.

* No, you can't use your cell phone to pop popcorn. Next time an Internet rumor drops into your inbox, don’t just pass it on-check it out at first.

* Sometimes we talk about you--in code. If you hear “HKI error” (for human-keyboard interface) or “PEBCAK” (problem exists between chair and keyboard), we’re insulting you.

* If you don't understand me, I'm not doing my job. Confusing tech jargon is a sign of insecurity, not intelligence.

–Interviews by Adam Bluestein. Sources: Derek Meister, Geek Squad; Aaron Schildkraut,; anonymous posters on; ***

Title : Things Your Computer Person Won’t Tell You
Keywords : Things They Won't Tell You, Tips

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Via : Reader's Digest


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